Friday 25 July 2008

New sketch ideas

Inappropiate Stephen: Internet Chatrooms
Starring: Jo and other female (Leo, Kirsty?)

G1 sits at computer talking to someone online (SexiSteve, SteveMeister etc). Blah, blah, blah, "ur so fitt lets meet up" etc, sketch ends with the other chatter as Stephen.

Inappropriate Stephen: Full Moon
Starring: Jo (and others?)
Jo wakes up, moustache half on, hair wet, eyebrows smudged
"Oh no, not again..." She looks at moon and has flashbacks to various inappropriate instances.

Terry Says Hush: God
Starring: Kirsty, other
Someone is in a church, praying.
"God... Why did she have to die, God? Why?"
Terry hushes them and leaves.

Robbing Campers
Starring: people to be the couple, plus 3+ chavs
Couple camping worry about being robbed of their camping equipment in the middle of a forest.
"Well who's going to come all the way out here just to steal a tent and some pans?"
Meanwhile, chavs in town ponder over the nights events.
"What now?"
"I know, mate. Let's go and nick a tent off some campers!"
They trek over fields and hills and nick the tent while the couple are elsewhere.

Speed Dating
Starring: Kirsty, Jo, Josh, Leo
Girl on a speed date meets Terry Goodkind, Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King.
"Right, that's IT!"
*touches breast hopefully*
"Get off me."

Terry Says Hush: Terry Speaks
Starring: Kirsty, Jo
Terry sits at his desk, reading his own novel (preferably same location as Confessor).
"Wait...This really doesn't make any sense!"
In comes Jo as Terry and hushes him.

Terry Says Hush: Chuck Norris

Inappropriate Stephen: Hide and Seek

Inappropriate Stephen: All Over the World
News reports, etc...???

Inappropriate Stephen: Petals
Starring: Dan, Kirsty/Leo, Jo
Dan lies on a bed, romantically, with a rose in his teeth. Barry White plays and petals fall from the top of the camera.
Woman: "You're so bloody cheesy! :@"
Zooms out to see Stephen throwing the petals pathetically.

Moulin Rouge/Love Medley (Inappropriate Stephen?)
Starring: Kirsty/Leo, Jo
Elephant Love Medley, either sung with Stephen instead of Christian or if Christian didn't exist and was instead sung by the Duke.

Terry Says Hush: Brocolli
Starring: Kirsty, Elizabeth, Olivia
"Mommy, what's for tea?"

Terry Says Hush: Scriptwriting
Starring: Kirsty, Jo, other?
"Wait...this isn't even funny. It doesn't make sense"

Tekken style RENT
Starring: Dan, Josh

Moomin Spit Roast
Starring: everyone

Virginity Thief
Starring: Jo, 3 males
Three boys innocently minding their own business are jumped on by Jo and put in a sack. They leave the bush, strutting to funky music.

70's Cops
Starring: Jo, Kirsty, Josh, Dan, Leo

Wizard Battle
Starring: Josh, Dan

Nazi Lunch
Starring: 3 boys/2 boys + Viking?
"Yay! I've got jelly and peanut sandwiches!"
"I've got strawberry yoghurt!"
"What have you got, Timmy?"
Timmy unwraps a Swastika.

Knitwear Advert
Starring: Josh, Dan

Jetfighter Sex

Edgar Allen-Poe: Picnic
Starring: Josh and family
Family having a picnic, Edgar drops upside-down from a nearby tree and screams.

Edgar Allen-Poe: Flaming
Starring: Josh
Something about a flaming penis?

Edgar Allen-Poe: Pub
Starring: Josh, Dan, female
Dan takes advantage of a woman and Edgar stops him.

Binary Valentines
Starring: lotds of kids
All the kids in a class get Valetines cards except for one. When he looks down again, there is one. He opens it. It reads 01001110101011000101
He turns around and it zooms in on the class computer.

Inappropriate Stephen: Father
Starring: Josh, Thomas?
Childhood of Stephen

Advert - Terry Says Hush

J.K. Rowling

Where's Waldo?
??? Something about someones cousin who keeps disappearing?

Where's Wally?

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